About Triklone™ U (Caprolactam / Tyre and Rubber Production)

Industry: Caprolactam / Nylon 6 / F-Polymer / Tyre / Rubber / Conveyer Belting and Glue industries
Application: Extraction of Caprolactam, a raw material used in F-Polymer, Herbicide and Pharmaceutical and Nylon 6 production
Intermediate for Chlorination Process such as Tyre, Rubber, conveyor belting and glue industries
Key Words: Caprolactam, Nylon 6, F-Polymer, Tyre, Rubber, Conveyor Belting and Glue Industries, Solvent Extraction, Herbicide and Pharmaceutical Industries
TRIKLONE™ products have REACH registration
All our products are manufactured under ISO9001 in the UK from premium quality feedstocks (>99.99% pure before stabilisation)
Chemical Composition

Molecular Mass 143.1
CAS Number 79-01-6
Chemical Formula: CCl2=CHCl (C2Cl3H)
Trichloroethylene (also known as TCE)
Banner Chemicals UK Flying the flag of excellence for over 160 years
Banner Chemicals UK supply all grades of TRIKLONE™ (TCE, Trichloroethylene)
TRIKLONE™, PERKLONE™ and MEC™ Prime made exclusively by Banner Chemicals UK
TRIKLONE™, PERKLONE™ and MEC™ Prime are registered trade marks of Banner Chemicals Group
Quality & Safety control
- Environmental Management System – ISO 14001
- Quality Management System – ISO 9001
- Integrated Management Registration – PAS 99
- Occupational H&S Management System – OHSAS 18001
- European Single Assessment Document – (ESAD II)
- Fully committed to Responsible Care ®
- REACH registration